
Blog Noticias Meddel

ACCESORIOS DE MÁRMOL ARTE A MEDIDA - MEDDEL ACCESORIOS MÁRMOL A MEDIDA Los accesorios de Meddel son arte a medida en multitud de diferentes materiales mármoles. En este caso se presentan los modelos Icon y Bodega como los primeros accesorios de la marca. No te pierdas en...

MESAS DE DISEÑO EN PIEDRA NATURAL PIZARRA ÓXIDO MULTICOLOR BRASIL Piedra multicolor en cuya apariencia destacan los óxidos en forma de aguas, y los semitonos de las pizarras en forma de lascas. La pizarra óxido multicolor de Brasil es una opción atrevida para un interiorismo con personalidad....

A sandstone with the appearance of cement in a gray tone. A national stone of great value for its simple aesthetics is positioned by its neutrality. SPANISH MARBLE BATEIG ALICANTE The Spanish Bateig marble stone from Alicante belongs to the Betic mountain range system, neighbor of the Iberian Massif and...

Meddel manufactures contemporary design marble tables with industrial and traditional methods. The made in Spain marble design furniture is in trend. NATURE DESIGN defines our way of understanding the material at Meddel. We are passionate about the formation of stone, and in...

THE MOST INTERNATIONAL SPANISH YELLOW MARBLE IS IN THE SOUTH OF SPAIN The Medes Dining table designed by Joaquín Moll is made of this national marble. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTER MARBLE FROM ALMERIA. For Meddel it means the constant to understand and contemplate the composition of the stone with all its perfections....

THE STORY THAT TELLS THE FORMATIONS AND THEIR GEOLOGIES. A journey that explores and determines the subjective value of natural stone. That flawless crystal mineral refers to a desired characteristic in the quality of the crystals of a mineral. When it is mentioned that...

A VISION OF MARBLE THAT BRINGS US CLOSER TO DESIGN Joaquín Moll designs in marble sculptural pieces with a high aesthetic value. Beyond the surface for Meddel is the design in marble and its dynamics, which move the concept of natural stone. After years of experience in...

MARBLE MAINTENANCE: TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Below are several recommendations and tips for maintaining the marble of your marble coffee table, dining table and marble occasional furniture. Travertine marble is a beautiful and elegant natural stone. For a better maintenance of the marble, follow the...
